Friday, November 20, 2015

Bottom Fishing : SSI

Sample Journal

Trade Type : Bottom Fishing
Difficulty : Hard

Started buying at the close of 11.16.2015
And since I like to close my positions to significant whole
 numbers, added more the next day intraday. 1M shares can easily
be liquidated once momentum sets in and especially for a 
stock like SSI. I'll just have to sell in tranhces. Or not.

I wonder how far this will go. 
Crossing fingers it will be just like that FNI trade.

I was travelling while doing this trade.
Why do these kinds of near perfect setups pop up when I travel? 

I left some cash in case some quick tsupitas appear.


  1. parang CLC to ngayun. downtrend since ipo. looking for the bottom for bounce

  2. Hi Zee!

    Wondering what was your conviction to think it was the perfect setup. Inverse AOTS, prices below all 3 MAs, Hmm.. BUT.. increasing volume, donwtrend occurring in steps at fibonacci levels (and approaching 0% when you bought, presumably). Was that it?
