Friday, October 23, 2015

Excerpt : Sessions with Eques (Batch VII)

10:24PM PH Time

Condition your minds that you are no longer a civilian. 
You're no longer a TAPper. No longer a newbie. You have skills. 
You're already here in the ZFT program and that means you'll 
get what it takes to survive this market.

You will continually be trained to be the best.
And when I say this, I expect that you will double or triple 
your efforts in learning this craft.

In your spare time, you make trading plans, you look at charts. 
Eat charts for breakfast, lunch, dinner.

And hopefully when all this becomes muscle memory, that 5, 6, or
 7 digit profit from stocks you've always wanted will become 
more of a reality than fiction.

May the trend be with you.

Class dismissed.

1 comment:

  1. Astig! Go Eques! We're rooting for you! - Astra
